Spreading Hope and Love: Join Us in Feeding the Homeless in Los Angeles

by | Jul 6, 2023 | Blog | 0 comments

Join Our Community in Making a Difference

At A Divine H2O, we believe in the power of coming together as a community to make a positive impact. That’s why every last Sunday of the month, we organize a special event to reach out to as many people in need throughout the Los Angeles Area. We invite you to join us on this journey of spreading hope and love.

Our monthly event starts at 12:30 pm, at our A Divine H2O Sunset Location. It’s a time when we gather, package hot foods for lunch, and write positive intentions. These intentions are then attached to the packages, carefully placed in bags, and distributed individually or in groups throughout LA. From the heart of downtown to the vibrant neighborhoods of Hollywood, Venice, Santa Monica, and beyond, we go wherever our hearts desire to make a difference.

Making a Difference Through Unity

While we receive generous donations from restaurants in the area, we are always grateful for any additional dishes you wish to donate. The more food we receive, the more people we can feed. In fact, 10% of the proceeds at A Divine H2O is donated to our non-profit organization to help us in our mission to feed the homeless.

But being a Divine Angel is not just about donations – it’s also about volunteering and being actively involved in our event. If you’re eager to make a difference and spread hope, we welcome you to join us as a volunteer. Please provide your name and contact information to one of our staff members, and we will be thrilled to have you on board.

Together, We Can Make a Change

Join our community in making a change. By participating in our monthly event, you not only offer food to those in need, but you also provide them with a sense of hope and love. Every act of kindness counts, and together, we can create a ripple effect of compassion throughout Los Angeles.


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