Spreading Hope and Love: Join Us in Feeding the Homeless in Los Angeles

by | Jul 6, 2023 | Blog | 0 comments

Helping Communities, One Meal at a Time

At A Divine H2O, we believe in the power of coming together as a community to make a positive impact. That’s why every last Sunday of the month, we gather at our Sunset Location in Los Angeles to reach out to those in need. We invite you to join us in spreading hope and love by volunteering at our event and making a difference in the lives of the homeless.

Our mission is simple – to provide hot meals to as many people in need as possible. We start by meeting at 12:30 pm and packaging nutritious lunches. Each meal is prepared with love and care, ensuring that it not only satisfies hunger but also brings comfort and warmth to those who receive it.

Spreading Positive Intentions

Our commitment to spreading positivity goes beyond just providing meals. We believe that every individual deserves to feel valued and supported. That’s why we encourage everyone to write positive intentions and attach them to the lunch boxes we distribute. These intentions serve as a reminder that there is hope and love in the world, even during challenging times.

As we distribute the meals, we have the freedom to choose where our hearts lead us. Whether it’s the streets of Downtown Los Angeles, the vibrant neighborhoods of Hollywood, the beautiful beaches of Venice and Santa Monica, or the diverse communities in the East and South, we make it a point to ensure that no one is left hungry.

Your Support Makes a Difference

While we receive some donations from local restaurants, we are always grateful for any additional dishes you wish to donate. The more food we have, the more people we can feed. You can also support our cause by dining at A Divine H2O, as 10% of your proceeds go directly to our non-profit organization to help us continue our efforts in feeding the homeless.

If you’re ready to become a Divine Angel and volunteer at our event, simply provide your name and contact information to one of our staff members. Together, we can make a difference and bring hope and love to those who need it most.


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