Spreading Love and Hope: Join us in Feeding the Homeless in Los Angeles

by | Jul 6, 2023 | Blog | 0 comments

Coming Together for a Greater Cause

At A Divine H20, we believe in the power of community and the impact we can make when we come together. That’s why every last Sunday of the month, we host an event where we reach out to those in need throughout the Los Angeles area. It’s a time for us to give back, spread love, and bring hope to those who may be struggling.

We meet up at our beautiful A Divine H20 Sunset Location at 12:30 pm. As an active participant, you’ll have the opportunity to contribute to our mission of feeding the hungry and making a positive difference in our community.

Package Hot Foods and Share Positive Intentions

During our event, we gather together to package hot, delicious meals for lunch. Each box is accompanied by a heartfelt positive intention, designed to uplift the spirits of those who receive them. We believe that a warm meal and kind words can make a world of difference, and we invite you to join us in spreading these gestures of love.

Together, we distribute these individually or in groups throughout various locations in Los Angeles. Whether it’s Downtown LA, Hollywood, Venice, Santa Monica, or any other neighborhood, we aim to reach as many people in need as possible. The more food we receive, the more people we can feed, and your contributions can truly make a lasting impact.

Be a Divine Angel and Volunteer Today

Do you want to be part of the change? We invite you to join us as a Divine Angel and volunteer at our event. By giving your time and energy, you can help us make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. To get involved, simply provide your name and contact information to one of our staff members, and we’ll be thrilled to have you onboard.

Remember, when you choose to dine at A Divine H2O, 10% of your proceeds go directly to our non-profit organization. Your meals not only nourish your body but also help us in our mission to feed the homeless.

Together, let’s create a better tomorrow. Join us at A Divine H20 and be a part of something truly meaningful. Together, we can spread love, bring hope, and make a difference.


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